The biggest problem which Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria face is sustainability.
Most businesses start off strong and fade out due to a lack of working capital to pump into the business.
If you have a struggling business and you need help to keep it up and running, REEF( Rosabon Emerging Enterprise Fund) is the answer.
REEF is Rosabon’s all-encompassing financial solution created specifically for Nigerian SMEs to ensure they can cater to their daily operational needs and still set funds aside to cater to other short or long-term goals.
Most business owners tend to have all of their money tied up in their business, with other financial obligations causing a strain. However, Rosabon is aiming to make being an entrepreneur less financially draining,
Benefits Of REEF
- Free access to quarterly business seminars specifically designed for SMEs
- Access to affordable business loans
- Interest on investment can be collected upfront to fund working capital needs
- A dedicated Newsletter database
- Dedicated helpdesk to assist should you have enquires
- Free publicity on our website
Need more working capital, Want to see your business turn more profits? Start Now.
Visit our REEF page here to apply
Call 0815 088 0038 or email [email protected] for enquiries.