You have heard before, do not mix business with pleasure. That includes not mixing your personal finances with your business finances as a business owner.
As a business owner, the enormity of the pandemic has reminded you of how to enhance your personal finance. Now you know that small business owners like you are people first and people often have personal finances to worry about.
Just as financial problems in your business can affect your personal life, financial problems in your personal life can also affect how you run your business. You need to put your personal finances in order as it can either hinder or fuel the growth of your business while leading to its failure or success.
If you are a business owner, it pays to get smart about your personal finance. Here are the guidelines to follow:
1: Build an emergency fund:
- Are you prepared for the unexpected?
- How long would your emergency savings last?
- What would you do if you lost your biggest client?
As a business owner, you will be better able to focus on running your company if you know that your family is protected in case of a financial emergency. Now more than ever, we are aware that we really can’t predict anything. As a result, having an emergency fund will provide you with greater peace of mind to make informed decisions about your business.
With as low as N20,000, you can get your emergency savings started with the Rosabon Earning Plan. With the Rosabon Earning Plan (REAP), you can enjoy a secure, convenient and rewarding savings plan that offers you up to 15% interest per annum while you save towards your emergencies.
2: Manage your credit:
Getting your credit in order is good as this can throw an entire year of hard work into the bin. Staying on top of your debt payments and due dates will help you have a stronger foundation for your personal finances.
Having your children move into your office is one moment you don’t want to imagine, just because you refused to pay your house rent.
3: Lease what you do not have:
Rather than struggle with your finances and create more debt, you can get a new car at little cost with Rosabon Consumer Lease. We finance the purchase of your car while you pay back in little instalments.
Think you need this? Click here to get started.
4: Save for retirement:
Instead of investing all your profits back into your business, you can save for your retirement using the Rosabon Treasury Portal. What better way to get ready for the future than with Rosabon Treasury portal? Earn high returns on your investment anywhere and anytime on the portal.
Enjoy amazing benefits when you log on to www.myportal.rosabon-finance.com
5: Speak to a professional: Speaking with Rosabon Personal Finance experts would help you consider some of your options so that you can make informed decisions about your personal finances.
Ready to improve your personal finances journey? At Rosabon Financial Services, we endeavour to make your entire investment journey a fruitful one, click here to get started.
Alternatively, you can contact us today and call 0700-ROSABON (0700-7672266), 01- 4601130, 090-8898-8555 or call Sophia on 0815 084 6659 (Port Harcourt), Chineye on 0815 088 0082 (Port Harcourt) or Aderonke on 0811 239 1001 (Abuja) or send us an email at [email protected]