With the year 2019 almost over, there are hard questions to ask yourself about your finances. Have you stopped to ask yourself how you have managed all the money you have made this year? Do you think you saved more money this year or spent more this year? Has this year taught you about the harsh realities of spending or the secrets to saving?
Harsh realities of Spending: The simple fact is money was earned to be spent – whether it is for financial responsibilities, life situations or the well deserved guilty pleasures you treat yourself with every once in a while. The harsh reality is when you can get so comfortable spending money that you forget how much you have to spend in the first place.
Harsh reality? The more you spend without saving, the faster you run out of money… a situation nobody wants to experience. Thankfully, Rosabon loans come in handy in times like these.
Secrets to Saving: Setting aside N10,000 every month from your paycheck can help you build a nest egg that you can tap into whenever you need it. In a year, you are N120,000 richer than you were. And the fun part is, you get 12.5% interest rate on your funds. You never know…with REAP, you just might be a black Bill Gates in the making.
The choice is yours. You can choose to spend all your money and end up being broke on the long run or you can choose to level up the playing field by spending within reason and still saving for the future. Whatever the case, Rosabon Financial Services has got you covered.
Want to know more about the Rosabon loans and investment options available to you? Contact us today on 0815 088 0038, 0815 088 0039, 0815 084 6659 or 0815 084 6657. You can also email us at [email protected].