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Money matter

5 Signs You Are An Overspender

Overspender or someone trying to have a good life? Read on! Enjoyment means different things to different people. People enjoy different aspects of life, from simple pleasures like long walks and get-togethers with friends and family to more significant events such as vacations or significant life celebrations. However, for some, a common form of enjoyment …

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Rosabon Business Loan

Money Matter: Accelerate Your Business Operations With Rosabon Business Loan

Are you a business owner or entrepreneur in need of a business loan? Are you looking for ways to expand your business? With the new normal in place, having a physical storefront along with your virtual store may now be considered more important. You may also need money to expand your business operations. For a …

Money Matter: Accelerate Your Business Operations With Rosabon Business Loan Read More »

Money Matter: Two Secrets to Managing Finances in December

Christmas is popularly regarded as ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. It is the only time throughout the year when bright decorations are displayed in style, Christmas trees are ornamented, gift-giving is widely celebrated and concerts/shows/parties are the craze of the season. As great as these last few weeks of the year are, they …

Money Matter: Two Secrets to Managing Finances in December Read More »

black friday

Money Matters: Why do we spend so much on Black Friday?

Black Friday is officially a mood.  With all the Black Friday ads, newsletters, text messages and tempting discounted prices displayed for everyone to see, even a prudent spender can be convinced to splurge on needed – and sometimes unnecessary – items. The unanswered question however is the same every year: “Why do we spend so …

Money Matters: Why do we spend so much on Black Friday? Read More »