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Rosabon financial services

Money and Your Mental Health

Money and Your Mental Health: 5 Ways To Improve Your Financial Wellness and Emotional Well-Being

When it comes to money, a lot of things are involved. It goes beyond just a means of exchange to deeply impact your life and shape your daily decisions. To a large extent, the world revolves around money and whether that’s true to your experience or not, money undeniably plays a huge role in our …

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Navigating This Thing Called Money: 5 Mistakes To Avoid In Your 20s

You’ve been looking forward to this time of your life for many years and it’s finally here! Yaaaaayyyy!!! You’ve probably moved out of your parent’s house, gotten your dream tech job and finally, you’re living life on your terms with no  ‘mummy or daddy’ hovering around you anymore. Welcome to your 20s – the decade …

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Personal Loan

Loans And You: 5 Smart Ways to Use a Personal Loan for Your Financial Success

What can getting a Personal Loan bring me aside from months of financial pressure due to debts hanging over my head? This is what Ola asked her friend, John, when he suggested that she opt for a personal loan to sort out her financial worries. Just like Ola, many are misinformed and hold the wrong …

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6 Ways to Restructure Your Business for Growth

6 Ways to Restructure Your Business for Growth

Ade started ‘Interiors For You’, his interior design business, three years ago. However, he finds that he remains on one spot year in, and year out.  The business hasn’t experienced remarkable growth no matter how much effort and resources he puts into it. He’s considering shutting down the business and returning to his 9-5. In …

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Making The Right Financial Decisions (In An Uncertain Economy)

Making The Right Financial Decisions (In An Uncertain Economy)

In a nation grappling with economic fluctuations, the journey towards financial independence can feel like an uphill battle. Day after day, people watch their dreams and desires fade away right before their eyes because they have no means to achieve them. However, this doesn’t have to be your case. With the right financial investment decisions, you …

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Automating your savings to reach financial goals

Automating Your Savings: Harnessing Technology to Reach Your Financial Goals

Tired of jumping public transport and being embarrassed by bus conductors, Olajide decided to save towards a ‘Tokunboh’ Toyota Camry to make his commute to and from work easier. Every month, he sets aside some part of his salary into another of his bank accounts, but guess what? The money was never complete because he …

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5 Things Not To Do With Your Personal Loan

Personal Loans are fast, collateral-free, and reliable. They are the perfect ‘bail-out’ for all those times when you are urgently in need of financial aid.  However, it is important that you don’t take the liberties afforded by a Personal Loan for granted, because for all its advantages, a Personal Loan can spell disaster if you …

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Financial Tips: How To Achieve More This Christmas with Rosabon

One notable thing about Christmas vacation as a child is that visitors were quick to give you Christmas money. Your parents would ensure that you say “thank you” to the visitors after they had given you money. Other times, you had your mother asking to save the money on your behalf, with the promise that …

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