Almost everyone has the dream of starting up their own business and becoming their own boss. Unfortunately, for most people, it always remains a dream due to lack of funds and other obstacles faced when building and successfully running one.
It is no secret that starting a business costs money. However, if you wish to brave the obstacles that will come your way and start or grow that business this year, there are three easy ways you can finance your business.
1.Get The Support Your Business Need:
Are you an entrepreneur who has over 12 months and in need of a financial boost? Get a Business Support Loan from Rosabon today. Cool part is, you can get a loan of up to N3 Million collateral-free or request for loans as high as N200 Million. You know what they say: Ask and you just might receive.
2.Consider Equipment Leasing With Rosabon Finance Lease:
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to buy every equipment you need to grow your enterprise at once. With Rosabon Corporate Finance Lease, Rosabon will purchase it for you on the spot and you can pay back installmentally. Cool, right?
3. Save Towards Your Business Goals:
If you are a classic at heart and still believe you’d rather buy what your business needs with your own money, it’s not a problem. You can select any of our high-yield packages such as the Rosabon Earning Plan (REAP) or the Rosabon Treasury Note (RTN) and earn as high as 15.75% interest. All you need to do is register on https://myportal.rosabon-finance.com/register, select a payment plan for a package of your choice and watch as your money grows by the minute.
It’s all up to you. The time to finance your business is now. Take action and start today. We’ll support your decisions and help you succeed at Rosabon. Don’t hold back your greatness… let us help you achieve your business goals.
For more information on Rosabon’s offerings, contact us on 0815 088 0038, 0815 088 0039, 0815 084 6659 or 0815 084 6657. You can also email us at [email protected]