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8 Finance Tips For Small Business Owners (Part 1)

The most important step for any business owner is to be financially aware. With sound financial management systems, business owners can create a stable financial future and avoid failure. 

While some small business owners may have prior experience running a business or have strong financial literacy, many are complete novices. This blog post will guide those with limited business finance experience towards managing their finances effectively.

Pay Yourself

If you’re running a small business, it can be easy to put everything into day-to-day operations because you want all the extra funds to go into helping your business grow. 

However, as a small business owner, you shouldn’t overlook your role in the company and should pay yourself accordingly. Remember, you’re part of the business and you need to compensate yourself as much as you pay others. 

Prioritize Business Financial Planning

A comprehensive small business finance plan includes budgeting, accounting, future prediction, tax planning, and risk management. 

You must analyze your businesses’ accounting reports and financial statements from time to time to gain insight into your business performance. 

This will allow you to set the right financial goals, whether to invest more money in your business (for expansion, buying new inventory, or hiring staff) or save for retirement.

Set Up A Filing System

As a business owner, it is important to organize your small business filing system.  Whether you choose to go with a paper or digital filing system, here are some of the items you should keep:

Accounting and bookkeeping records

Bank statements


Permits & licenses

Employee / Outsourcing records

Vendor records

Tax papers

If you choose to keep paper records, then consider buying a filing cabinet or pretty file box. For digital filing, various apps can help. 

Don’t Be Afraid Of Loans

Without the influx of capital, you obtain from loans, you may face substantial challenges when trying to purchase equipment or grow your team. 

Loans can be scary for beginners, but with the right partner like Rosabon Financial Services, you have nothing to fear.  The Rosabon Business Loan is an easy and affordable way to boost your cash flow and grow your business no matter what stage it is in. 

1 thought on “8 Finance Tips For Small Business Owners (Part 1)”

  1. Pingback: Finance Tips For Small Business Owners (Pt 2) | Rosabon Financial Services Blog

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