Dreaming of how to save more money in 2020? With Rosabon, you can make this dream a reality.
Here are actionable ways to save this year:
1. Set your goals with REAP:
Have a monthly savings target and stick to it. With the Rosabon Earning Plan (REAP), you can enjoy a secure, convenient and rewarding savings plan that offers you up to 15% interest per annum while you save towards specific financial goals.
2.Make more money the RTN way:
Looking to save bulk funds at once? With Rosabon Treasury Note, you save conveniently, have total control of your money and still earn as high as 16.5% interest.
3. Transport Yourself in your own Car:
Own your dream vehicle and pay installmentally for up to 48 months with the Rosabon Consumer Lease.
Don’t forget, it’s your year. Live like it, save better and stay financially fit with a financial plan backed by financial support from your tested and trusted financial services provider.
For more information on Rosabon’s offerings, contact us on 0815 088 0038, 0815 088 0039, 0815 084 6659 or 0815 084 6657. You can also email us at [email protected]m