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Mama Shade Easily Funds Her Daughter’s Education With RESI

Mama Shade one of the major fabric trader at Oyingbo Market began to experience decline in her business, due to the state of the economy. Her husband, Baba Shade was into farming, his crops were neither ephemeral nor annual which meant that it takes quite a while before he makes profit. Their daughter Shade, a very bright talent was the top of class and soon to be named Head Girl, she had won various prizes for her school in different inter-school competitions.


One day, Shade’s Principal put a call through to her mother and asked Mama Shade to come over to the school for an important discussion. On getting to the school gate, Mama Shade saw a teary Shade sitting outside the school’s gate. Classes were going on inside the school but Shade had been refused entry. Immediately Mama Shade realized then the purpose of the meeting. While placating Shade who was sobbing profusely now, she placed a call through to her husband who hung up once he realized why she was calling. In the meeting with the Principal, she was handed over a letter. It was a letter of expulsion not as a result of bad behaviour but as a result of accumulated debts, the principal explained that he had only allowed Shade remain in school for that long because she was very brilliant and an honour student. All pleas fell on deaf ears and soon enough security walked them out of the school premises.


One sunny afternoon, a customer came by the shop to get some fabrics for her daughter’s wedding. Just as she was admiring the clothes, Shade walked in, all bruised. On hearing the reason why the young girl wasn’t in school on a Monday afternoon, she reached into her bag and handed over two gifts. One was an envelope containing money and the other was the Rosabon Education Saving Initiative Brochure. She herself had gotten it during the Lagos State School Principals’ Inauguration Program of which Rosabon Financial Services was an official partner.  She told Mama Shade about her Rosabon Experience while a curious Shade listened on and asked questions when she could. Mama Shade’s life turned around the day she walked into the Rosabon Office at Yaba to make inquiries. Shade is now back in school, she is about to write her Common Entrance Examinations and Mama Shade also got a loan for her business which is now booming. Baba Shade is on the way to becoming a commercial farmer with advanced machines at his disposal. All thanks to Rosabon Financial Services Products.

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