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Black Friday


Financial Tips: Fulfill All Your Shopping Needs With Rosabon

Are you missing out online shopping due to insufficient funds? Are you interested in finding the best Black Friday deals? Do you need a loan to fulfil your shopping needs? A deal is only a good deal if you can afford it. Therefore, receiving the news about Konga and Jumia online stores, giving out discounted …

Financial Tips: Fulfill All Your Shopping Needs With Rosabon Read More »

black friday

Money Matters: Why do we spend so much on Black Friday?

Black Friday is officially a mood.  With all the Black Friday ads, newsletters, text messages and tempting discounted prices displayed for everyone to see, even a prudent spender can be convinced to splurge on needed – and sometimes unnecessary – items. The unanswered question however is the same every year: “Why do we spend so …

Money Matters: Why do we spend so much on Black Friday? Read More »

Money Matters

3 Things All Business Owners Should Do In November

November is a tricky time for all entrepreneurs and small business owners. Between financial responsibilities, sales planning and all of the holiday madness that comes with the season, you’ve got enough on your plate to keep you busy all month long. With Black Friday sales taking over the month of November, one thing is certain, …

3 Things All Business Owners Should Do In November Read More »