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Money and Your Mental Health

Money and Your Mental Health: 5 Ways To Improve Your Financial Wellness and Emotional Well-Being

When it comes to money, a lot of things are involved. It goes beyond just a means of exchange to deeply impact your life and shape your daily decisions. To a large extent, the world revolves around money and whether that’s true to your experience or not, money undeniably plays a huge role in our …

Money and Your Mental Health: 5 Ways To Improve Your Financial Wellness and Emotional Well-Being Read More »


Financial Tips: How To Set Your Financial Goals For 2020

Planning to relocate to another country? Ready to get married and start a family? Or maybe you are looking forward to splurging a little on a new mobile phone? Regardless of whatever your 2020 goals are, one question is recurrent: How financially prepared are you for the year 2020? If you are, fantastic! If you’re …

Financial Tips: How To Set Your Financial Goals For 2020 Read More »

A Breakdown Of The 2018 Budget

President Buhari announced the 2018 budget on the 7th of November in a speech that elicited many mixed reactions. The proposed total expenditure for 2018 is N8.6 trillion, which comes to 16 percent over the 2017 budget. The breakdown of the budget can be found below: The proposed N8.612 trillion of 2018 Aggregate Expenditure comprises …

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Senate Will resolve Buhari’s $30bn loan request this week – Ndume

Strong indications have emerged that the leadership of the Senate and the Presidency have reached a deal on the 2017-2019 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper earlier rejected by the upper chamber of the National Assembly. A source close to the leadership of the Senate said this was the fallout of the meetings …

Senate Will resolve Buhari’s $30bn loan request this week – Ndume Read More »