Are you struggling with your finances? Do you feel stuck in your financial situation? Do you feel like giving up on getting money? And all of the financial advice you read, rather than inspiring you, makes you feel like giving up? Honestly, ‘how do you expect to save for emergency when your house rent is due next month?’
When your money problems seem never-ending and all solutions unrealistic, it is time to realize that you are financially stuck.
You see, there are many ways to get financially stuck including the loss of a job, unexpected expenses and many others. Or maybe you’re in a position where you’ve struggled for years to get a handle on your finances, but one disruption after the next keeps you from moving forward. You discover it is the same every month; you get paid, feel like a boss and somehow end up broke before your next salary.
Rather than lament about your financial situation, there are steps you can take to better your finances
Here Are Steps To Overcome Getting Stuck Financially:
1.Take Time To Reflect:
Many of us do not have a grip over our finances or understand what financial desires are because of how busy we claim we are. Take some time to reflect on your finances by asking yourself these simple questions:
- Who do I enjoy spending time with?
- Where would I like to see myself in the next 1-3 years?
- What makes me smile often?
Be about the business of your financial life and take time out to examine what’s important to you.
2: Invest in REAP:
If you just save, you are playing it safe and rich people don’t get where they are, or get their Ferraris by playing it safe. Putting your money in good investments that bring consistent income is vital to your financial health. You can put as low as N20,000 of your money with the Rosabon Earning Plan, and get 15% interest on your placed funds.
Why you should place your money with REAP
● Better returns than your bank’s savings account
● No special skill is required to get started
● Automated and secured savings
● Start with as low as N20,000
3: Ask For Help:
If you are struggling financially then there is no shame in asking another for advice or a loan or even a vehicle lease. You can ask for a Rosabon Personal loan rather than talking to friends who will continuously remind you of your debt. Click here for various financing options.
Ready to become financially unstuck? At Rosabon Financial Services, we endeavour to make your entire financial journey a fruitful one, click here to get started.
Alternatively, you can contact us today and call 0700 ROSABON (0700-7672266), 01- 4601130, 090-8898-8555 or call Sophia on 0815 084 6659 (Port Harcourt), Chineye on 0815 088 0082 (Port Harcourt) or Aderonke on 0811 239 1001 (Abuja) or send us an email at [email protected]