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Apply These 5 Steps To Earn More Money With Your Spare Cash

  Earning money with your spare cash has just been made easy with Rosabon Investment platform, a secure online platform that enables users place funds easily online in an investment account and receive huge returns over a specified period of time. It provides users with access to monitor the growth of their investment, receive analytical …

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Back To School: Tips To Help You Prepare for your Kids’ New Academic Session

It is almost that time of the year for the kids to return back to school after a super lengthy summer break at home and while some parents enjoyed the quality time they had to spend with their kids, some can’t wait for the new academic session to begin. Whether you enjoyed the break the …

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Access a Collateral Free Loan of up to N1,000,000 From Anywhere Nationwide

Has your current location been a major limiting factor when trying to access funds to finance the purchase of that new car, starting a business, sorting family or medical emergencies, payment of children’s school fees or funding the holidays of your dreams? Then this is for you!   Accessing a collateral free loan of up …

Access a Collateral Free Loan of up to N1,000,000 From Anywhere Nationwide Read More »

Mandela Day: Celebrating A True African Icon, Nelson Mandela

Mandela Day celebrated every 18th of July, on the birthday of a renown icon for peace, selflessness, freedom, justice and for the major role he played in the anti-apartheid revolution in South Africa. November 2009 the day was officially declared as Nelson Mandela Day, with the first UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010. …

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Mama Shade Easily Funds Her Daughter’s Education With RESI

Mama Shade one of the major fabric trader at Oyingbo Market began to experience decline in her business, due to the state of the economy. Her husband, Baba Shade was into farming, his crops were neither ephemeral nor annual which meant that it takes quite a while before he makes profit. Their daughter Shade, a …

Mama Shade Easily Funds Her Daughter’s Education With RESI Read More »

Rosabon Financial Services Saving Lives With Safe Blood Sensitisation and Donation

On the 14th of June of every year, Rosabon Financial Services joins the rest of the world to celebrate the World Blood Donor Day by sensitizing the public on the benefits and need to donate safe blood. Members of staff of the leading non-banking financial institution in Nigeria also join the public in donating blood …

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